This weekend I had a chance to dive into my old side project ServerGen. ServerGen is a CRA alternative for NodeJS.
NodeJS is a great framework, and I keep using it for my projects. But I don't like installing the dependencies, writing the same code, and making the MVC directory structure again & again, which is why I created ServerGen, which helps you set up a NodeJS project within seconds.
What is Currently Supported?
ServerGen currently supports the following features:
- MVC Directory Structure ( Along with .gitignore file )
- Multiple View Engine ( Pug, EJS, HBS )
- Docker Support
- Express/Node Server Boilerplate
- Mongoose Boilerplate for MongoDB
What's Yet to Come?
- Swagger Documentation
- Passport Authentication
- Sequalize ORM for MySQL & PostgreSQL
How to use it?
To use ServerGen, make sure you have NodeJS installed on your system. Install ServerGen by using the command npm i servergen
Liked the project? Do give it a ⭐ on GitHub!
Thank you for reading! 🚀